Key Priorities
We feel, as a school, that it is important to share our vision and our key priorities. Having key priorities in place does not mean that other areas of the school community / curriculum will not still be worked on, however it is vitally important that we have a number of priorities that we focus on and drive forward throughout the year to further improve the school and the education that we provide the children with at Marden Lodge.
Marden Lodge Primary School & Nursery is part of the multi academy trust GLF and works extremely closely with the local group of Chalklands’ Schools (Chestnut Park, Hillcroft, Warlingham Village and Whyteleafe) under the executive headship of Mr Williams. Working so closely ensures that all five schools greatly benefit from the shared expertise across the Chalklands’ group, whilst at the same time retaining the unique identity of Marden Lodge.
Chalklands’ Key Priorities 2022/23
- Provide an exceptional, broad & balanced and aspirational curriculum that provides ALL children with a diverse and rich set of memorable experiences
- Develop inspirational and innovative leaders, at all levels, that continually strive for excellence
- Promote exceptional behaviour and attitudes that supports learners to learn and teachers to teach
- Continue to drive the positive culture of developing highly effective teaching.
- To instil aspiration and high expectations for learning to empower every child to be effective global citizens.
Pedagogy Focus 22/23:
Aut 1: Cognitive Load and Relationships
Aut 2: Modelling, Explaining, Instructing
Spr 1: Language
Spr 2: Retrieval
Sum 1: Questioning
Sum 2: Support and Challenge
Marden Lodge Focus Areas 22/23:
- Parental engagement (Focus: Community links & Attendance)
- Chalklands Curriculum
- Leadership at all levels (Focus: AfL, Behaviour & Attitudes)
- Core subject priorities (Focus: Handwriting, Spelling and Maths Fluency)
- Pupil Voice (Focus: Quality of Education)